Christine Danielewicz Music and Language Studio

Soli Deo Gloria !

Mission and Vision



The mission and vision of the music studio and the chamber music club  is based on the following quote by JS Bach:

For the glory of the most high God alone,
And for my neighbour to learn from.
-- Johann Sebastian Bach, epigraph to Little Organ Book, 1717


Repertoire and instruction are designed to honor God and help students learn to make beautiful music together.

The music studio is committed to developing collaborative musicians. Whenever possible, the chamber music orchestra students will be offered the opportunity to collaborate with the piano students. Sometimes the piano students will accompany the orchestra. At other times, the orchestra will accompany solo piano.

As the students practice and learn together, we will work to develop friendships and good working relationships.

Partnerships between pianists and other instrumentalists are extremely valuable relationships.

Thank you for your interest in making music with us!



Christine Danielewicz

Christine Danielewicz Music Studio

Camp Hill, PA